Tuesday, November 12, 2013


The book I picked to create cover for was The Great Gatsby, I had been brainstorming for it for couple days till I realized that every other book cover for this book didn't focus on the light house and so i did. I used Daisy as main focus and green light leading to the back of the book. So that people haven't read it yet would be curious and would turn the book around and wanna read this book after they have read the blurb about this book.

Saturday, November 9, 2013


My choice of book to create cover is The Great Gatsby Which I have read the book and seen both versions of this movie, I have seen different book covers for this specific book. None thou used the focus on the lighthouse and how unique it was that it was shinning green light instead of regular while or yellow light, also I am making Daisy(main character) my focus on one of the sides of the cover. I believe this is good way to approach this books cover. Still have not decided on Font to use for this specific book.